Patient Demographics - Where do I find

Patients | Registration / Billing Section

Data Regarding Patient Tab
# of Patients Referred by the Patient Patient Information
Cell Phone Contact Information
Consent to Contact (Communicate) Consent Information
Date of Death Patient Information
Email Contact Information
Emergency Contact Contact Information
Employer Contact Information
Ethnicity Patient Information
Family Members Consent Information
Financial Notes Patient Information & Financial Notes (to enter)
Former Name Patient Information
Home Address Contact Information
Home Phone Contact Information
Insurance Benefits Insurance
Insurance Plan(s) Insurance
Insurance Insured Person Insurance
Language Patient Information
Main Facility assigned to the Patient Patient Information
Main Provider assigned to the Patient Patient Information
Marital Status Patient Information
Mother's Maiden Name Patient Information
Patient Portal Username and last Logon Patient Information
Patient Type Patient Information
Permanent Address Contact Information
Photo Patient Information
Photo Consent and Limitations Consent Information
Preferred Pharmacy Patient Information
Primary Care Provider Patient Information
Race Patient Information
Referral Source and Detail; how did patient hear about your practice. Patient Information
Referring Provider Patient Information
Religion Patient Information
Responsible Party (Usually only used with Insurance and Minors) Responsible Party
Social Security # Patient Information
Work Address Contact Information
Work Phone Contact Information